Classes and Special Events
“Bodhicitta is very practical, I tell you. It’s like medicine. The self-cherishing thought is like a nail or a sword in your heart; it always feels uncomfortable. With bodhicitta, from the moment you begin to open, you feel incredibly peaceful and you get tremendous pleasure and inexhaustible energy. Forget about enlightenment—as soon as you begin to open yourself to others, you gain tremendous pleasure and satisfaction. Working for others is very interesting; it’s an infinite activity. Your life becomes continuously rich and interesting.”
Lama Yeshe
“Whether one believes in religion or not, there is no one who does not appreciate love and compassion. Right from the moment of our birth, we are under the care and kindness of our parents; later in life, when facing the sufferings of disease and old age, we are again dependent on the kindness of others. If at the beginning and end of our lives we depend upon others' kindness, why then in the middle should we not act kindly towards others?”
His Holiness the Dalai Lama
“Happiness and suffering come from your own mind, not from outside. Your own mind is the cause of happiness; your own mind is the cause of suffering. To obtain happiness and pacify suffering, you have to work within your own mind”
Lama Zopa Rinpoche

New to the Center?
Whether you’re simply curious about Buddhism or already a practitioner, we are the center for you! Our center offers Introductory classes for those who are brand new to Buddhism, Foundational Classes for those wishing to further their knowledge, and Advanced Classes for those who have completed several Foundational Classes or have a firm grasp of Buddhist philosophy based on Indo-Tibetan tradition.
Our center offers introductory classes for those who are brand new to Buddhism and would like to learn more. The classes are generally held once or twice a month.
Recommended for those with little to no familiarity of Buddhist concepts and philosophy.
The Center offers ongoing Foundational classes for students interested in learning more about Buddhism. The classes are from FPMT’s Discovering Buddhism Series.
Recommended for those with some familiarity of Buddhist concepts and philosophy.
The FPMT Basic Program in Buddhist Studies of Sutra and Tantra (BP) is a five-year, twelve-subject course of studies designed by Lama Zopa Rinpoche. It provides a practice-oriented transmission of the Buddhadharma to committed students ready to progress to in-depth study and practice.
Dr. Lorne Ladner is teaching modules from the Basic Program with an average of 2 classes a month, on Saturdays from 11AM - 12:30PM. Recordings can be found on our youtube channel.
Recommended for those who have an advanced understanding of Buddhist concepts and philosophy or have completed many of the Discovering Buddhism courses.
Classes at the center vary with the teacher, but most start with a few prayers to set one’s intention, a guided meditation, followed by the teaching, and then time for questions. It is appropriate to ask questions related to what was just taught.
Before and after most classes, students can socialize in the back where there is tea and water and sometimes snacks. There is a self-service “store” where students can purchase books and practice items (place payment in the yellow box) or pick up a free book. We ask that students take only one or two free books at a time. There is a donation box, where students can place a donation, which is optional but encouraged, as the center has bills to pay.
What else?
No need to knock, just let yourself in, the door will be unlocked. Please remove your shoes when you come inside.
Arrive before the start time to avoid disruption and silence your cell phone.
Messages about upcoming classes may be announced prior to the start of class.
Do not bring food or drink (except water) to your seat.
There are cushions up front for those who prefer to sit on the floor. More cushions are piled in the back corner, please find what you need to be comfortable. There are plenty of chairs for those who prefer a chair.
When the teacher enters, to show respect, stand, stop talking and wait for them to complete 3 prostrations and sit down. If desired, you can then perform 3 prostrations and take your seat.
When the teacher rises to leave, stand until the teacher has left. Again, this is to show respect.
We hope this is helpful!
Our center is a non-profit and relies on donations to continue spreading the Dharma. Becoming a monthly member enables us to continue paying rent and expand our services!